Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Younger the Better - Not Proven

               A Lesson on Hiring a Social Media Manager from the Cathryn Sloane Firestorm

A couple weeks ago, a young blogger by the name of Cathryn Sloane took to the web to
express her frustration  in the fact that many job postings for social media managers called for five to ten years of experience. She went on to argue that people from her generation, the under-25 crowd, were actually more qualified than older folks to manage social media accounts for businesses because they grew up with Facebook, Twitter and the like.

This set off a massive firestorm of dramatically negative comments and responses from older social professionals, calling out Sloane for being ignorant, foolish or worse and launching the post into virality.

So who is right? Assuredly, the post was a bit short-sighted. It vastly discounted the talented, hard-working group of social pros over the age of 30 out there and made sweeping generalizations about the younger generation, which, despite growing up with social media, is full of people who are completely unsuited for its use from a business perspective.

Still, I'm far from alone in my sympathy for Sloane. As I mentioned before, she was probably frustrated when she wrote the story, which gave it a more aggressive tone and reduced her smart points to afterthoughts. The commenters were very hard on her, ignoring some of these smarter subtleties and doing quite a bit of generalizing themselves.

My comment is that while Ms. Sloane may have been sincere from her point of view --- that was the actual problem --- her point of view. Wisdom trumps age anytime you are not running a race.

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Social Media Manager vs. Community Manager: What’s the Difference?

Social Media Manager vs. Community Manager: What’s the Difference? And Who Cares?

The terms “Social Media Manager” and “Community Manager” represent two very distinct positions, yet these job titles are often used interchangeably. The recent influx of

startups and tech companies has provided an abundance of job openings, but there seems to be a bit of confusion between the two titles.

While they do share similar characteristics, each position requires different ways of thinking and involves very specific responsibilities. Community Managers are often the public face of brands, interacting with the community and generating buzz for their companies. Social Media Managers are strategists and communicators, with the ability to measure and analyze effectiveness. Here’s a more detailed break-down of exactly what these positions entail.

A Brief History

Contrary to popular belief, Community Manager isn’t a new job title, and building a community around a brand isn’t a new business strategy. Modern day Community Managers serve as brand ambassadors, personally interacting with customers, other businesses, and community members — keeping relationships stable and upwardly mobile. Social media has undoubtedly opened many doors for Community Managers, but managing and updating theses platforms is not their sole responsibility.

Social Media Manager, on the other hand, is a relatively new job title that requires a different set of obligations and skills for this burgeoning medium. In very broad terms, Social Media Managers are responsible for maintaining all social media platforms, developing and executing social media campaigns, and then analyzing the results.

What to Look For When Hiring


My comment. So what's in a name? Everything if you don't know what you are doing or what you are looking for?
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Monday, August 13, 2012

Social Media Managers Jobs in High Demand Worldwide

Social Media Managers Jobs in High Demand Worldwide

Are business owners being forced into Facebook? Hey this is America, and you can do what you want. Hate Facebook and twitter? Just leave it to the kids right? Who needs the next customer when you have a great ad in the yellow pages?

Really, are you using the these new tools in your business? You do know that's where your customers are, and it's the single best way to connect with them? In 2010, marketing dollars get the highest ROI when invested in social media.

Social media or "Web 2.0" site are much broader than many think. One of my favorite social sites is Do you think of them as a social media site? They're on your radar, but perhaps you need a re-visit. One of my favorite ways to 'prospect' is to do video book reviews! Do you know how many people shop Amazon. Hello!

Currently thousands of people looking for managers to manage their online presence, and there are very few people offering the service. This is a perfect time to begin a small business as a consultant or digital manager as the demand is huge! Fortunately the learning curve for this sort of thing can be an very minor road block.

My commentary: Social media managers are the technological frontiersmen and frontierswomen of internet marketing of the 21st century. Becoming an established media consultant now, while the social media consultancy landscape is being defined will assure your place as a media professional.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Social Media Management for Celebrities

Social Media Management for Celebrities

Get paid serious cash when you manage the Facebook & Twitter Accounts of your Favorite Hollywood Stars and Sports Legends

Whether social media is something you already use or something that you're just plain confounded by, you can't get away from it. People are constantly talking about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other platforms for social media, and they're talking about social media platforms on social media platforms.

But what does this have to do with celebrities and making money?
The best way to enhance one's popularity and one's career is to be the person who's on the minds of everyone – and that means you need to be "seen' as often as possible. Though the paparazzi might be able to help in that department, it's actually much more effective (these days) to use social media marketing strategies.

In this book, we're going to talk about the basics of social media management for celebrities, specifically. These are clients who NEED to be seen in order to stay on the cutting edge in their business. Here's what you can expect to learn in this book.

You can't make a lot of money until you find the clients with whom you will work. In this book, we will talk about how you will attract the sort of attention to yourself which will allow you to have celebrities come to YOU for help, not the other way around.

Celebrities need to have social media managers, but they might not realize it. They may not know how to use the social media tools they have available in the most productive way. And while this might not be a big issue at first, as celebrities continue to market themselves, they need to continue to be on the minds of the public – and the casting agents.

And why work with celebrities? First of all, they have money to spend. They realize that there is a large ROI (return on investment) when they work with a social media manager. They might secure a million dollar movie, even though they're only paying this social media manager a few thousand dollars a month. Needless to say, the social media campaign can pay for itself, a few times over.

Celebrities also need to outsource the work they have, so they're looking for someone to handle their social media. There are some estimates which say that there are 10,000 people who need social media help for every ONE person who provides social media support. Many celebrities don't have the time to learn how to use the social media marketing tools effectively. They might be able to use Twitter and Facebook, but in order to get their name in as many places on the internet as possible, they need to have help.

My commentary: Celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and local professionals all need social media managers. Whether managing for a licensed professional or business, image is extremely important for a branded individual.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Make Money With Facebook as a Social Media Manager Revealed by Employment Company

How to make money with Facebook as a social media manager is a topic that the average person might not know much about. To some savvy college students and stay-at-home moms, the ability to work from home as a social media manager is now a reality. Social Media Jobs, the social media placement company, is now teaching average people how to work from home managing social media campaigns for companies around the world. The launch of the new Social Media Jobs database is helping to match those with social media skills with companies that are immediately hiring workers.

Growth in social media has also caused growth in work-at-home jobs for many people. More businesses today are connected to consumers than at any other time in history according to recent studies. Popular online websites like Yelp and Angie’s List have pioneered the way that companies and consumers can interact to resolve complaints or other issues that are important for business relationships. Social media websites like Facebook and Twitter are considered by some to be a blessing and a curse to businesses worldwide due to the ease of information sharing.

A recent labor report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown an increase in social media management positions compared with data from only two years ago. Some estimates put the number of people working from home in social media related positions to be well over 100,000. The Social Media Jobs database is now accessible from any Internet connected computer or portable device to help interested people find legitimate work as a social media manager working from home.

My commentary: The age of labor intensive employment is giving way to a new definition of information related employment. Traditional means of directed one way persuasion are becoming less and less effective. Now is the time to join the cutting edge as a social media manager to secure your position and income.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

What Does A Social Media Manager Do All Day

Do you have dreams about posting to Facebook and nightmares about Twitter followers abandoning your brand’s page?

If so, you must be a social media manager.

Your friends probably think you spend all day on Facebook sharing cool things, pinning pretty stuff on Pinterest, and retweeting about Happy Hour.

What they don’t see is that your client just called you and demanded a Facebook promotion with a minimum of 100 entries, so you just shared it on your Facebook page and all of your friend’s pages. The boutique that hired you just asked you to put up their entire spring line on Pinterest, and those 30 restaurants you work with all have Happy Hour specials today, and they want their Twitter followers there.

Here’s how to tell everyone what you really do:

  • First, you check and respond to the 367 emails that attempt to crash your computer every morning while drinking the first cup of coffee for the day.
  • Next, you check your client’s social media channels for messages, comments, reviews and drunken photos uploaded at 2 a.m. to that nightclub’s Facebook page.
  • It’s time for damage control for that client who got the really bad Yelp review— must have just been an off night at the restaurant!
  • On to the second cup of coffee for the day.......
My commentary:  Recession, layoffs, reduction in work hours. The handwriting is on the wall. All crisis events for one person lead to an opportunity for another person. If your time and efforts are not producting the economic stability you expect then consider becoming a social media manager.

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