Monday, August 13, 2012

Social Media Managers Jobs in High Demand Worldwide

Social Media Managers Jobs in High Demand Worldwide

Are business owners being forced into Facebook? Hey this is America, and you can do what you want. Hate Facebook and twitter? Just leave it to the kids right? Who needs the next customer when you have a great ad in the yellow pages?

Really, are you using the these new tools in your business? You do know that's where your customers are, and it's the single best way to connect with them? In 2010, marketing dollars get the highest ROI when invested in social media.

Social media or "Web 2.0" site are much broader than many think. One of my favorite social sites is Do you think of them as a social media site? They're on your radar, but perhaps you need a re-visit. One of my favorite ways to 'prospect' is to do video book reviews! Do you know how many people shop Amazon. Hello!

Currently thousands of people looking for managers to manage their online presence, and there are very few people offering the service. This is a perfect time to begin a small business as a consultant or digital manager as the demand is huge! Fortunately the learning curve for this sort of thing can be an very minor road block.

My commentary: Social media managers are the technological frontiersmen and frontierswomen of internet marketing of the 21st century. Becoming an established media consultant now, while the social media consultancy landscape is being defined will assure your place as a media professional.

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