Saturday, August 11, 2012

Social Media Management for Celebrities

Social Media Management for Celebrities

Get paid serious cash when you manage the Facebook & Twitter Accounts of your Favorite Hollywood Stars and Sports Legends

Whether social media is something you already use or something that you're just plain confounded by, you can't get away from it. People are constantly talking about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other platforms for social media, and they're talking about social media platforms on social media platforms.

But what does this have to do with celebrities and making money?
The best way to enhance one's popularity and one's career is to be the person who's on the minds of everyone – and that means you need to be "seen' as often as possible. Though the paparazzi might be able to help in that department, it's actually much more effective (these days) to use social media marketing strategies.

In this book, we're going to talk about the basics of social media management for celebrities, specifically. These are clients who NEED to be seen in order to stay on the cutting edge in their business. Here's what you can expect to learn in this book.

You can't make a lot of money until you find the clients with whom you will work. In this book, we will talk about how you will attract the sort of attention to yourself which will allow you to have celebrities come to YOU for help, not the other way around.

Celebrities need to have social media managers, but they might not realize it. They may not know how to use the social media tools they have available in the most productive way. And while this might not be a big issue at first, as celebrities continue to market themselves, they need to continue to be on the minds of the public – and the casting agents.

And why work with celebrities? First of all, they have money to spend. They realize that there is a large ROI (return on investment) when they work with a social media manager. They might secure a million dollar movie, even though they're only paying this social media manager a few thousand dollars a month. Needless to say, the social media campaign can pay for itself, a few times over.

Celebrities also need to outsource the work they have, so they're looking for someone to handle their social media. There are some estimates which say that there are 10,000 people who need social media help for every ONE person who provides social media support. Many celebrities don't have the time to learn how to use the social media marketing tools effectively. They might be able to use Twitter and Facebook, but in order to get their name in as many places on the internet as possible, they need to have help.

My commentary: Celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and local professionals all need social media managers. Whether managing for a licensed professional or business, image is extremely important for a branded individual.

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Click Here To Make Money As A Social Media Manager

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